
With Bail Bonds Raleigh NC Accused Can Be Released From Custody

By Walter Taylor

With perhaps the exception of career criminals nobody ever contemplate being arrested and facing criminal charges. This is exactly what happens to numerous people annually. People make mistakes. They drive while under the influence, they cheat on their taxes or they contravene currency regulations, for example. Most people that are arrested is allowed to go free soon afterwards and with bail bonds Raleigh NC accused will be let go speedily.

Under no circumstances should anyone accused of a criminal offence attempt to defend themselves. It is vitally important to immediately obtain the services of an attorney that is experienced in criminal matters. The legal system is complicated and mistakes can have serious long term implications. The lawyer will study the facts of the case and he will take steps to have his client released from custody.

It is standard practice to release those accused of a crime, especially if the accused does not have a criminal record. The court must also be convinced that the accused will obey the conditions under which he is released. Release is also on condition that the accused pay an amount set by the court as surety. If he does not have the money, a bondsman can be approached.

Bondsmen provide quick loans to people that have been arrested but that do not have the money to pay for the surety. The processing of such a loan is normally done very quickly. The bondsman will pay the required sum to the court and the accused will then be released. In most cases the transaction is finalized in the offices of the arresting officers.

Bondsmen charge steep fees for their services, normally between ten and fifteen per cent of the money paid to the court as surety. This fee is not refunded after the case is finalized. The client will have to pledge his assets as surety for the loan and they are required to enter into a legal contract. It is a good idea to ask the attorney to check the contract.

If the accused does not strictly adhere to the terms and conditions of the agreement he has with the bondsman, his assets can be confiscated and sold. Many accused are so stressed after being arrested that they do not read the terms and conditions. The best course of action is to ask the attorney to review the agreement before signing it.

Accused that fail to honour the conditions set by the court before being released will be arrested again, forfeit the money that was paid as surety by the bondsman and face additional charges. If he tries to flee from justice the bondsman will be tasked by the courts to act as bounty hunter and to do everything possible to bring the accused before the court. Breaking the conditions of release is a very serious offence.

Accused are released after arrest because they have the right to be presumed to be innocent until a court of law finds them guilty. Breadwinners must be given the chance to keep earning an income and to care for their families It is also not logistically realistic to keep all arrested people incarcerated. There is simply not enough resources.

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